Felt Needs

Wallet Win Podcast

1 Minute Read

Stewarding money from a Catholic perspective

Why listen to this podcast?

This podcast is a resource for Catholic families and singles who desire to manage their money in a way that is honouring to God and allows them to live in His Kingdom.

Meet the Hosts

We’re Jonathan and Amanda Teixeira, Chief WalletWinners around these neck of the woods. We’re the duo—and happily married couple—behind WalletWin, where we help everyday Catholics—like YOU!—create the life of their dreams by getting intentional with money.

WalletWin was crafted from years of personal experience both living it out and helping others do the same. In January 2012 we had $24,500 in debt and a deep desire to break free. A short—and zealous—7.5 months later we wrote our last check to Sallie Mae and closed the doors on debt forever.


Families, singles, & college graduates.

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