Reliance on the Holy Spirit

Pentecost Novena Day 5: Piety and Kindness

1 Minute Read - By Mona Bawagan

The way I’ve seen true Piety in my own life is as the result of the overflow of love of God that draws me onto my knees in prayer and worship. 

In this posture, I am reminded of who God is and who I am. 

He is the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega and I belong to Him. I think a pious heart is the soil in which humility is sown. And a humble heart is a heart which recognizes the dignity of others. There exists a readiness to “take off one’s sandals” before the holy ground of the other — especially those in their proximate periphery.

Where I’ve seen the fruit of Kindness bare the most fruit in my life recently is in Catholic counselling. In my counselling sessions, we invite the Holy Spirit to guide our conversation. It amazed me how I perceived different parts of me — the critical part, the avoiding part — as issues to be fixed rather than a beloved daughter to be seen, known and loved. 

Although I have a desire for others to encounter the mercy of the Father, I have often lacked kindness towards myself. 

It was through self-compassion that I received deeper healing. There is more tenderness for the parts of me that are wounded. Even parts of me that are in need of conversion and mercy where I had instead directed judgement and shame. 

In my counselling journey, I have found a deeper freedom to love and serve God as the disciple He is calling me to be.

Mona Bawagan is a CCO Missionary and parishioner at St. Patrick’s Parish in Maple Ridge.

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