Missionary Identity

From Lukewarm to Joyful Disciple

2 Minute Read - By Jacquie Chau

Three years ago, I was introduced to the Faith Study Series by Catholic Christian Outreach. It started me on an amazing journey and my faith has never been more alive.

Before participating in a faith study, I thought I was a “good enough” Catholic. I attended Sunday Mass, I prayed regularly, and I even took part in lay ministry. But to be honest, my faith was lukewarm.


One Sunday during Mass, I heard a testimonial about the Faith Study Series and thought it sounded interesting. After Mass, my son turned to me and said: “Mom, you should join the Faith Study!”

It was one of those suggestions I couldn’t ignore nor turn down. So, I decided to give it a try. But I was still quite prideful, so I asked my son which level I should join, assuming I should start “somewhere in the middle” since I had been a pretty “dutiful” Catholic.

To my surprise, my son said plainly: “Mom, start from the beginning!”

Taken aback but curious, I took his advice. Little did I know that my openness and my “yes” led me to one of the most life-giving, joy-filled faith experiences I could ever imagine. The Faith Study Series begins with stage one, called Discovery, and takes a simple but profound look at the Gospel and Jesus’ sacrifice for us.

My fellow participants and I were a group of women with very different life stories, but whenever we came together, we had just one goal: to know and love Jesus more. We had wonderful discussions, shared our personal stories, joked, laughed, and helped each other when we faced challenges. We developed a genuine and beautiful fellowship that continues to grow to this day because we are rooted in Christ.

When I participated in the Faith Study Series, I discovered that it offers very rich content that’s thoughtfully put together in the five levels. After Discovery comes Source (a study of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives), then Growth (ways to grow in faith, such as prayer and the sacraments), Trust (about trusting God), and Commission (to help us embrace our callings as missionaries).

The booklets were easy to follow and the questions engaging and thought provoking. As I journeyed through different levels of the study, I noticed a deep sense of peace and joy I didn’t experience when I was a lukewarm Catholic.

This joy continues to grow exponentially in me. I cannot help but share it with my family, friends, and co-workers. It is like having tasted the best ice cream in town and wanting to tell everyone about it!

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