Prayer & Scripture

Creating an Impact List

3 Minute Read - By Proclaim Vancouver


In addition to praying generally for the success of our efforts (like the Psalmist prays, “Give success to the work of our hands”), and praying for those we have invited, we can also be interceding for those we wish to invite to our gathering even before having invited them.                                

Campus missionaries from Catholic Christian Outreach (CCO) have a practice of creating an “Impact List,” a list of people that you believe God may be asking you to reach out to and invite. 

Amber Zolc of CCO took us through the practice of making an Impact List.          

1. What's an Impact List, and why do CCO missionaries make them?

An Impact list is simply a list of people’s names that you desire to build a relationship with and to seek to proclaim the Gospel to. As a missionary it is a tool that can help us to remember each individual, to pray intentionally for them and to strategically plan our next steps to take with each one.                        

2. How do you determine who should be on your Impact List?

Prayer should be a big part of identifying who should be on your Impact list. Ask the Holy Spirit whom He wants you to invite, and write down the names He gives you. Be attentive - God may not have specific names for you; He may be directing you toward a group of people to draw from, like a group at your parish, your coworkers, or friends from an exercise class. Most of the time, you will simply ask people close to you, like a friend, family member, neighbour or someone you see at Mass on Sunday.                    

While putting a list together, there may be a temptation to avoid asking certain people because we think they will decline. However, excluding them from the invite list or not inviting them means we do not give them the opportunity to say ‘yes!’ Often, it is the people we least expect that welcome the opportunity to talk about God. Sow broadly!        

3. What are some of the results you guys have seen since you started making these lists?

God honors our efforts! It is not uncommon to see many people respond positively to the invitation to be a part of a small group. Of course not everyone we invite says yes, but you’ll be surprised sometimes by who does! And the most rewarding part is watching people that you have invited grow closer to Jesus as a result.

4. What would you say to members of Proclaim who are running Discovery faith studies or Alpha about making an Impact List as part of the preparation?

I would highly encourage everyone to take some time and prayerfully consider who God might desire to be a part of your group. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead this initiative including getting people to agree to being a part of it.

Let me Share St. John Paul II’s words as an encouragement for you:

“Proclaiming the Word of God is not the responsibility of priests or religious alone, but it is yours too. You must have the courage to speak about Christ in your families and in places where you study, work or recreate, inspired with the same fervour the Apostles had when they said: "We cannot help speaking of what we have heard and seen" (Acts 4:20). Nor should you be silent! There are places and circumstances where you alone can bring the seed of God's Word.” (Message from WYD VII)         

Have you considered creating an Impact List for your initiative? Has it made a difference in being on mission? We want to hear your stories.

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