Fr. Mark Mary

Author -- 36 posts

Father Mark-Mary was ordained as a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal (CFR) in 2018 and lives at a friary in the Bronx. The mission of the CFRs is to wholeheartedly embrace Jesus through fidelity to the Church and her Sacraments. Paired with their commitment to prayer, contemplation, and study of Sacred Scripture, the CFRs serve those around them, especially the poor, in the footsteps of Christ.

Faith - 8 Minute Watch

How to Form Godly Friendships

Faith - 8 Minute Watch

Does God Want to Work Miracles Today? We Think So.

Who is Jesus - 13 Minute Watch

This Is What It Means to Encounter Jesus

What is Catholicism - 5 Minute Watch

How to Celebrate Easter Well

Deeper Relationships - 1 Minute Watch

A Daily Prayer to Guide You Through Lent

Biblical Worldview - 6 Minute Watch

A Better Way to Choose Something for Lent

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

3 Ways to Be Intentional This Lent

Hearing God's Voice - 1 Minute Watch

How to Build Your Prayer Life This Year

Hearing God's Voice - 15 Minute Watch

How to Do Lent Differently This Year

Missionary Identity - 7 Minute Watch

“What’s So Different About These Christians?” — 3 Evangelization Hacks You Can Use Today

Fulfilling Desires - 2 Minute Watch

The Word of the Year You Need in 2024

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

You Are Made for Love (feat. The Sisters of Life)

Identity & Purpose - 11 Minute Watch

Let Jesus Do the Heavy Lifting in Your Life (feat. The Sisters of Life)

Deeper Relationships - 9 Minute Watch

God Made You For Community

Hearing God's Voice - 9 Minute Watch

The Busy Catholic’s Guide to Finding Time to Pray

Fulfilling Desires - 8 Minute Watch

A Way to Practice Gratitude (That Actually Sticks)

Faith in Culture - 10 Minute Watch

3 Amazing Quotes from St. Therese of Lisieux

Faith in Culture - 10 Minute Watch

A Catholic Guide to Summer Break

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

The First Step to Uncovering God's Plan for Your Life

Hearing God's Voice - 8 Minute Watch

A Guided Examination of Conscience

Faith in Culture - 70 Minute Watch

Race, Riots, and Renewal: An Open Conversation with the CFRs

Faith in Culture - 17 Minute Watch

"What Can Catholics Do to Overcome Racism?"

Identity & Purpose - 1 Minute Watch

How to Live With Uncertainty

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Watch

Fitting Prayer Into Your Life

Identity & Purpose - 13 Minute Watch

From Gambling to Religious Life

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

Giving Everything to God

Hearing God's Voice - 2 Minute Watch

Listening to God's will

Faith in Culture - 2 Minute Watch

Easy Way to Do a Daily Examen

Hearing God's Voice - 12 Minute Watch

How to Build Your Prayer Life This Year

Faith in Culture - 15 Minute Watch

A Spiritual Routine for Catholics Living in Quarantine

Identity & Purpose - 10 Minute Watch

Do You Really Trust God?

Hearing God's Voice - 11 Minute Watch

Common Difficulties With Prayer

Identity & Purpose - 11 Minute Watch

Giving God Your Hopes and Dreams

Hearing God's Voice - 7 Minute Watch

Struggling to Hear God's voice

What is Catholicism - 10 Minute Watch

How to Really Pray the Rosary

Fulfilling Desires - 6 Minute Watch

Why Do We Feel Restless?