Ascension Presents

133 posts
Who is God - 7 Minute Watch

How to be a Steward

Priesthood - 9 Minute Watch

Fr. Mike Schmitz Answers the Internet's Top Questions About Priests

Faith - 8 Minute Watch

How to Form Godly Friendships

Challenges - 10 Minute Watch

Don't Have Any Friends?

Continual Growth - 11 Minute Watch

Saying Goodbye, Starting Over, and Transitioning

Continual Growth - 9 Minute Watch

If You're Tired of Needing God

Faith - 6 Minute Watch

When a Miracle Doesn't Happen

Discernment - 6 Minute Watch

What's My Vocation?

Faith - 8 Minute Watch

Does God Want to Work Miracles Today? We Think So.

Identity & Purpose - 6 Minute Watch

What's My Vocation?

Who is Jesus - 6 Minute Watch

When a Miracle Doesn't Happen

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

If You're Tired of Needing God

Identity & Purpose - 1 Minute Watch

Loneliness After College - Facing the Quarter Life Crisis

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

Straightforward Career and Job Advice

Biblical Worldview - 28 Minute Watch

Nunc Coepi: Breaking Agreements

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

How to Bring Order to Your Life

Who is Jesus - 13 Minute Watch

This Is What It Means to Encounter Jesus

Who is Jesus - 7 Minute Watch

How Do I Know If I've Actually Encountered Jesus?

What is Catholicism - 5 Minute Watch

How to Celebrate Easter Well

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

Sneaky Ways to Be Prideful (and How to Stop)

Hearing God's Voice - 8 Minute Watch

The Value of Silence

Biblical Worldview - 8 Minute Watch

Do You Want to Be Well?

Deeper Relationships - 1 Minute Watch

A Daily Prayer to Guide You Through Lent

Biblical Worldview - 6 Minute Watch

A Better Way to Choose Something for Lent

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

3 Ways to Be Intentional This Lent

Hearing God's Voice - 1 Minute Watch

How to Build Your Prayer Life This Year

Faith in Culture - 18 Minute Watch

What Are Some Creative Ways to Enter Into Lent?

Biblical Worldview - 9 Minute Watch

The Real Answer to Why God Allows Suffering

Continual Growth - 7 Minute Watch

How to Live This Lent for Others

Hearing God's Voice - 15 Minute Watch

How to Do Lent Differently This Year

Faith in Culture - 6 Minute Watch

Picking a Thing for Lent

Continual Growth - 9 Minute Watch

Are You Busy Doing the Right Things?

Missionary Identity - 7 Minute Watch

“What’s So Different About These Christians?” — 3 Evangelization Hacks You Can Use Today

Missionary Identity - 3 Minute Watch

Struggling to Share the Gospel? Here's What's Missing

What is Evangelization? - 1 Minute Watch

How to Share the Gospel (And How Not To)

Hearing God's Voice - 3 Minute Watch

How to Keep Praying When it’s Hard (St. Catherine of Siena)

Fulfilling Desires - 2 Minute Watch

The Word of the Year You Need in 2024

Hearing God's Voice - 10 Minute Watch

When God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers

What is Catholicism - 1 Minute Watch

The Transgender Question

What is Catholicism - 8 Minute Watch

The True Meaning of Advent

What is Catholicism - 30 Minute Watch

What Did Mary Do for Advent?

What is Catholicism - 8 Minute Watch

Advent: New Liturgical Year, New You

Fulfilling Desires - 1 Minute Watch

Finish Advent Strong: Celebrate Christmas Well

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

You Are Made for Love (feat. The Sisters of Life)

Identity & Purpose - 11 Minute Watch

Let Jesus Do the Heavy Lifting in Your Life (feat. The Sisters of Life)

Biblical Worldview - 9 Minute Watch

Answering Your Questions About Advent

Biblical Worldview - 4 Minute Watch

Advent: More Than a Chocolate Calendar

Faith in Culture - 8 Minute Watch

Passing the Faith Onto Your Kids

Identity & Purpose - 4 Minute Watch

Why God Loves You

Deeper Relationships - 8 Minute Watch

Why It's Important to Have Good Friendships

Deeper Relationships - 8 Minute Watch

Do You Present Your True Self to Others?

Deeper Relationships - 7 Minute Watch

How to Get Real Friends

Deeper Relationships - 9 Minute Watch

God Made You For Community

Hearing God's Voice - 10 Minute Watch

When You’re Distracted in Prayer

Hearing God's Voice - 9 Minute Watch

The Absolute Necessity of Saying "Thank You"

Hearing God's Voice - 9 Minute Watch

The Busy Catholic’s Guide to Finding Time to Pray

Fulfilling Desires - 8 Minute Watch

A Way to Practice Gratitude (That Actually Sticks)

Faith in Culture - 10 Minute Watch

3 Amazing Quotes from St. Therese of Lisieux

Identity & Purpose - 10 Minute Watch

How Do We Spend Our Time?

Faith in Culture - 8 Minute Watch

What's Your Bedtime?

Hearing God's Voice - 9 Minute Watch

What's a Sign From God (And What Isn't)

Relational Evangelization - 12 Minute Watch

How to Pray the Rosary as a Family

Marriage & Parenting - 8 Minute Watch

Why We Hate Natural Family Planning

Marriage & Parenting - 9 Minute Watch

Why We Love Natural Family Planning

Marriage & Parenting - 13 Minute Watch

Why We Don't Use Contraception in Our Marriage

Continual Growth - 12 Minute Watch

Why Self-Care is Important for Loving Others

Faith in Culture - 10 Minute Watch

A Catholic Guide to Summer Break

Hearing God's Voice - 7 Minute Watch

Get Out of Your Rut

Marriage & Parenting - 9 Minute Watch

How Kids Make You Holy

Identity & Purpose - 12 Minute Watch

All Women Are Mothers. Here's How (feat. Lisa Cotter)

Hearing God's Voice - 5 Minute Watch

Praying As You Can, Not As You Can't

Identity & Purpose - 9 Minute Watch

The First Step to Uncovering God's Plan for Your Life

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

How to Discover Your Gifts and Claim Them for Christ

What is Catholicism - 1 Minute Watch

What is The Purpose of Lent?

What is Catholicism - 1 Minute Watch

Preparing For Lent

Identity & Purpose - 10 Minute Watch

4 Myths About Being a Single Catholic

Identity & Purpose - 10 Minute Watch

Is God Going to Give You What You Want?

Identity & Purpose - 7 Minute Watch

Why You Need to Know Your Go-To Sins

Identity & Purpose - 1 Minute Watch

A Theology of Working Out

Deeper Relationships - 1 Minute Watch

Why Is It So Hard to Forgive Yourself?

Biblical Worldview - 1 Minute Watch

If God is Good, Why Do We Need to Pray?

What is Catholicism - 1 Minute Watch

Questioning The Faith Vs. Deconstructing The Faith

Fulfilling Desires - 1 Minute Watch

The "Little Things" Are Actually Most Things

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Watch

All Saints Day Prep

Who is Jesus - 9 Minute Watch

Why Does God Need Us To Worship Him?

Hearing God's Voice - 11 Minute Watch

Do You Get Distracted During Prayer?

Fulfilling Desires - 10 Minute Watch

Is It Ever Okay To Give Up?

Hearing God's Voice - 8 Minute Watch

A Guided Examination of Conscience

Deeper Relationships - 1 Minute Watch

Family Brings Out The Worst (So God Can Heal It)

Deeper Relationships - 30 Minute Watch

What Did Mary Do For Advent? 

Faith in Culture - 7 Minute Watch

Great Family Activities For Advent

Identity & Purpose - 1 Minute Watch

Who You Are Vs. Who You Are Called To Be

Faith in Culture - 70 Minute Watch

Race, Riots, and Renewal: An Open Conversation with the CFRs

Faith in Culture - 17 Minute Watch

"What Can Catholics Do to Overcome Racism?"

Identity & Purpose - 1 Minute Watch

How to Live With Uncertainty

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Watch

Fitting Prayer Into Your Life

Identity & Purpose - 13 Minute Watch

From Gambling to Religious Life

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

Giving Everything to God

Hearing God's Voice - 2 Minute Watch

Listening to God's will

Faith in Culture - 2 Minute Watch

Easy Way to Do a Daily Examen

Hearing God's Voice - 12 Minute Watch

How to Build Your Prayer Life This Year

Faith in Culture - 15 Minute Watch

A Spiritual Routine for Catholics Living in Quarantine

What is Catholicism - 11 Minute Watch

Do All Good People Go to Heaven?

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Watch

What Consitutes a Practicing Catholic?  

Hearing God's Voice - 1 Minute Watch

Finding Hope in Times of Darkness

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Watch

Should Lent Be Sad?

Biblical Worldview - 7 Minute Watch

Is Self-Control a Virtue?

Who is Jesus - 7 Minute Watch

Let God Inconvenience You

Hearing God's Voice - 6 Minute Watch

Finding Time for Prayer

Identity & Purpose - 8 Minute Watch

A Faith Life With No Regrets

Faith in Culture - 90 Minute Watch

Reconciling the Body of Christ Amid Racial Division (An Interview with Fr. Josh Johnson)

Faith in Culture - 7 Minute Watch

Can I Get a Tattoo

What is Catholicism - 8 Minute Watch

The Significance of Ash Wednesday

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Watch

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Biblical Worldview - 6 Minute Watch

The Meaning of Suffering

Fulfilling Desires - 6 Minute Watch

Offering Up Our Inconveniences

Fulfilling Desires - 6 Minute Watch

Fasting Can Change You Forever

Fulfilling Desires - 9 Minute Watch

4 Reasons For Fasting

What is Catholicism - 5 Minute Watch

Why do Catholics Genuflect?

What is Catholicism - 9 Minute Watch

Motivation to go to Mass

What is Catholicism - 7 Minute Watch

Mortal vs. Venial Sin

Biblical Worldview - 6 Minute Watch

Hell is for Real

Identity & Purpose - 3 Minute Watch

What Defines You?

Identity & Purpose - 4 Minute Watch

Is God the Center of Your Life?

Who is Jesus - 4 Minute Watch

Why God Loves You

Hearing God's Voice - 5 Minute Watch

3 Steps of Unceasing Prayer

Identity & Purpose - 4 Minute Watch

For Everyone Doubting Themselves

Identity & Purpose - 10 Minute Watch

Do You Really Trust God?

Hearing God's Voice - 11 Minute Watch

Common Difficulties With Prayer

Identity & Purpose - 11 Minute Watch

Giving God Your Hopes and Dreams

Hearing God's Voice - 7 Minute Watch

Struggling to Hear God's voice

What is Catholicism - 10 Minute Watch

How to Really Pray the Rosary

Fulfilling Desires - 6 Minute Watch

Why Do We Feel Restless?